Cinderella pumpkin
Cinderella pumpkin

cinderella pumpkin

The Fairy Godmother warns Cinderella that all her magic will be undone at the stroke of midnight. She insists that Cinderella attend the ball and demonstrates her magical abilities as she transforms a pumpkin into a coach, mice into horses, Major into a coachman, and Bruno into a footman before transforming Cinderella's ragged dress into a beautiful, sparkling ball gown, complete with glass slippers. Shortly thereafter, the magical Fairy Godmother appears to comfort Cinderella. Realizing that now she cannot go to the ball, she bursts into tears and runs outside to the garden, with the mice, Bruno and Major following her in sadness.Ĭinderella throws herself onto a bench and begins sobbing at the apparent loss of her dreams. Cinderella is left with her dress reduced to rags as her stepfamily leaves for the ball, wishing her good night. The stepsisters fly into a rage and furiously tear Cinderella's dress apart, leaving her in rags. However, when they see Cinderella, Lady Tremaine compliments her dress and points out Drizella's beads. She thanks them for showing how much they care for her, changes into the dress, and rushes downstairs to join her stepfamily.

cinderella pumpkin

Just then, her bird and mice friends reveal a surprise: they have fixed the dress for her. Cinderella walks back to her room and looks out the window toward the castle, wondering what a royal ball will be like. When Lady Tremaine notices that Cinderella has not yet dressed for the event, Cinderella replies that she is not going, to which Lady Tremaine points out that there are other times Cinderella will be able to attend while smiling wickedly about Cinderella not going. She goes to inform her stepmother that a carriage has arrived to take them to the ball. Later that night, Cinderella sees a carriage outside the château through a large window. Jaq and Gus find a sash that Anastasia doesn't want anymore, as well as some beads are thrown out by Drizella, and take them to help fix the dress. The mice and birds, feeling sorry for her, take it upon themselves to repair the dress for Cinderella. She is about to begin fixing her dress when she is unexpectedly called downstairs by her impatient, needy stepsisters. She immediately delivers it to her stepmother, who tells her she can go-provided she finishes all her chores and is able to find something suitable to wear.Īfter thanking her stepmother, she goes back to her room, where she shows the mice and birds a dress that had belonged to her late mother. One day, Cinderella receives an invitation to a royal ball at the King's castle. Her only friends around the château are the mice (especially Jaq and Gus), the birds, Bruno the dog, and Major the horse. She is notable for being silenced repeatedly by Lady Tremaine, creating the assumption that Cinderella is expected to do chores without speaking out. She, her daughters, and their pet cat Lucifer abuse and mistreat Cinderella, ultimately forcing her to become a scullery maid in her own home. However, after her father's death, Lady Tremaine reveals herself to be a passive-aggressive tyrant who is jealous of Cinderella's charm and beauty. Her father, believing she needed a mother's love, married Lady Tremaine, who has two daughters about her age Anastasia and Drizella. Cinderella is shown as a mistreated young girl who dreams of escaping the torturous life she has had to endure at the hands of her stepfamily.

Cinderella pumpkin